
Driver Smart Modular Technologies Flash Card
Driver Smart Modular Technologies Flash Card

Driver Smart Modular Technologies Flash Card
  1. Driver Smart Modular Technologies Flash Card code#
  2. Driver Smart Modular Technologies Flash Card Pc#

Driver Smart Modular Technologies Flash Card Pc#

Please check the.Features and Specification: 1 year warranty, RoHS compliant.Pretec ( C-One Technology) PCMCIA type 1 SRAM PC cards are designed with dual backup battery - aremovable (replaceable) but non-rechargeable 3V lithium battery (primarybattery) and an on-board rechargeable but non-replaceable battery(secondary battery) for data retention. read/write16-bit PCMCIA SRAM & ATA flash cardsread/write16-bit PCMCIA SRAM, ATA flash,& Linear flash cardsread/writecardand16-bit PCMCIA SRAM, ATA flash, & Linear flash cardsread/write8-bitPCMCIA SRAM card,8-bit PCMCIA Linearflash card,card ActionTec,Epson, Hitachi, Kingmax,Magic Ram (MagicRAM), Mitsubishi Melcard,Synchrotech, Panasonic, Toshiba, Vikingequivalent SRAM PC CardsPretec ( C-One Technology) SRAM cards are compatible andinterchangeable with. For flash cards, pleasesee industrial grade memory card,memory card, andmemory card. Please check the.SRAM PC Card is one type of PCMCIA memorycard, but is not categorized as flash memory card.

Driver Smart Modular Technologies Flash Card code#

TheseSRAM cards offer a high performance, reprogrammable,non-volatile solution for code and data storage, disk caching, and writeintensive applications in mobile and embedded systems. You can use thesePCMCIA Static RAM (SRAM) memory cards for palmtop/ PDA / hand-held PC (HPC), Pfaff sewing machine,Sumitomo / Demag / Van Dorn / Newbury plastic injectionmolding machines VanDorn Demag is a brand of Sumitomo (SHI)Demag, musicinstrument likekeyboard/ synthesizer (Alesis, Ensoniq, Korg, etc.), Cisco and Nortel Bay Networks routers, EmersonCSI 2120 and Rockwell Automation Entek DP1250,DP1500, data collection terminal, monitoring device, data storageinstrumentation, laptop/notebook PC, PCMCIA equipped PC, etc. Replaceable Battery TypeRechargeable Battery TypeBrandBrand&compatible with, &other brands PCMCIA SRAM memory PC cardscompatible with,& other brands PCMCIA SRAM memory PC cardsThese high speed PCMCIA type I SRAM PC cards areavailable with or withoutfor 'plug and play'compatibility.

Driver Smart Modular Technologies Flash Card